Saturday, 1 January 2011

Gravekeepers - as broken as they were?

So a few days back I managed to snag an excellent deal on some website, a playset of Royal Tribute for £5! I could finally put together that Gravekeepers deck I always wanted and laugh at peoples faces when I Royal Tribute them for a +3 or something silly.
Now that they've arrived, I'm not too sure that Gravekeepers are as good as they were, especially when they destroyed YCS Atlanta. I mean obviously some of the surprise factor has worn off, but surely that doesn't stop the devastating 1st turn Royal Tribute?

So anyway, I was testing the deck against a few mates and whilst the deck did work very well and was a terrible GRIND to play against, some of the time the deck would be -2 behind on card advantage, and this would most always happen if Necrovalley was MST'd early on in the game.
Also, the Anti-Meta/Stun matchup I found to be horrible, even though most of my monsters should outclass the 1900 beaters in attack with Necrovalley on the field. Rai-Oh proved to be a real handful and sometimes when my hands got clogged up with multiple monsters or Royal Tribute then Breaker the Magical Warrior got the Stun player an easy +1 off the Necrovalley, of which there are only 2 of in the deck even though it is the key card :/
Several matchups, the Gravekeepers deck found very easy. It destroyed Plant Synchro even without an early Royal Tribute, simply because the Necrovalley really helped against the Debris Dragon and of course the Pot of Avarice and stopped the deck getting easy +1's off of those cards.
The X-Saber matchup was more slightly harder, but again, Necrovalley proved to be a key card by not allowing the Saber cards to get their card advantage through Gottoms E-Call and XX-Saber Faultroll. Also, the fact that they couldn't really summon much to beat 2000 attack beatsticks proved to be their undoing.
Monarch matchups were more dependant on what was drawn, with Gravekeepers taking the easy win if they drew the Royal Tribute combo, which 8/10 times they did.
Finally, the Blackwing matchup was more so-so, with Blackwings winning sometimes due to their smallish amount of monsters (Royal Tribute didn't hit much) and their annoying Icarus Attack and other S/T destruction on Necrovalley.
Although, Starlight Road was a very good card in this matchup, players still don't see it coming.

My conclusion on the Gravekeepers deck is that maybe now that people expect certain plays from the deck, they know how to prepare. Though the deck does destroy certain decks it can still be beaten and its only real strengths are it's Royal Tribute combo and that it is a grind to play against. My theory is that the Gravekeepers were only a really good meta-call for YCS Atlanta with an event swamped with Plant Synchro/Quickdraw decks. Though the Gravekeepers deck is still a very strong deck, it is not unbeatable and by no means the best.

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